The Road of Glory

Since the beginning of time, the human race has been at the mercy of sorrow, even if our existence on this planet gave us the unique gift in nature of thought and creativity, our advancements throughout history have been marked by systematic destruction and suffering. Whether our belief is based on our spiritual culture or the scientific fact of history, some of the actions of the human race often makes me question our own humanity. Through this progression, we have arrived at this moment that for some of us questions if our strive for advancement has also made us lose our compassion for one another. 

Having spent most of my life existing between different parts of the world, it has offered me an education on understanding that our suffering is a pattern we create and also resolve. Hence in this collection, I choose a representation of moments in history that is an abstraction of my thoughts as it relates to hunger as a weapon throughout history.  I wanted to make each piece first a visual provocation, in which it is a balance between the familiar and the unfamiliar. To catch the glance of the viewer and lure in through the intense passion of color. However, each frame is a story, a story deeply embedded with moments, emotions, pain, loneliness, rage and the deep sadness that becomes the plight of those caught between the crossfires of political agendas. 

I choose to focus on ten countries in various moments of history because as we dig deeper into our past, it is clear that all things have patterns and all things are a manifestation of our own demise. Yet regardless of geographical location, the suffering of the masses has had a way of repeating itself which begs the question if mankind will ever reach a moment in history in which there is a world free of suffering. Through each piece, my main objective was to focus on a representation that is not a surgical documentation of suffering and death, but rather an artistic expression that provokes the curiosity of the onlooker into exploring further the topics presented and to go beyond personal comfort.  

As I have always stated, I don’t have the answers on the plight of the world, nor do I understand the inner workings of leadership, policies or internal political agendas of nations but my overall statement through this collection is to address the predicament of the everyday person, who endures tragic and violent forefronts of decisions implemented behind closed doors.  Hence, as we witness from a distance the demise of the people in places such as Yemen through hunger, I can’t help but think of the countless tears shed by mothers who have to witness the death of their children and the rage that must ensue in the youth who helplessly watch not only the death of those around them but also the death of a life and their future. This is why I state that we must question the future of our humanity, the fact that even with all the technological advancements, we have not managed to alleviate suffering. But rather as time progresses forward, our faith wavers in the storm of strife and we become impartial to the human condition of those less fortunate and we engulf ourselves in denial that what separates us through time and space is actually a reflection of our collective consciousness.